The Health Hub Team

The Health Hub is a VCU-led partnership initiative that is supported by a VCU staffing model designed to support a wide range of partners to successfully operate their initiatives from and with the Health Hub.

Richard Killingsworth, MPH

Executive Director
(804) 828-1186
Headshot of Richard Killingsworth

Ivy Bell

I am a certified Community Health Worker. I advocate and help clients in the East end.

Community Health Worker
Headshot of Ivy Bell

Ralph Whitfield Jr.

Hi, I am Ralph, I am the admin assistant at the VCU Health Hub. I manage the front desk and help clients get in touch with our partners.

Administrative Assistant

Headshot of Ralph Whitfield


The Health Hub regularly retains VCU students as interns and hourly employees.

Group picture of staff and students

Community Advisory Council

The Community Advisory Council (CAC) serves as a resource to the VCU Health Hub at 25th to nurture and support programming. It is comprised of community neighbors, community and faith-based leaders, and VCU/VCUHS faculty, staff, and students.

CAC members will fulfill a liaison role by providing a link between programming and the neighborhoods/organizations/circle of influence they represent. They keep their family, friends, neighbors, and affiliated organizations informed of programming’s progress and current activities. By virtue of their connection to various community neighborhoods and organizations, CAC members will also be in a good position to help the VCU Health Hub at 25th network in the community.